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What's New
| Last Updated:: 02 Jan 2025

Skill Lab

A well equipped modernized skill lab have been established in this college by ministry of health and family welfare Government of India in collaboration with Indian Nursing Council and with support from NHM and Jhpiego. A National Programme has been initiated for strengthening the quality of pre service education and upgraded knowledge and clinical skill specially in mother and child health at the Nursing Schools, Colleges and ANM training centres our NSG college has been selected as a National Nodal centre to steer the process.

The various No. of Mannequins, equipment, instruments, charts and models are available in skill lab for conducting the fallowing procedures:
1- Antenatal examinations investigation.
2- Neole Model(Electric Operated) showing complete normal delivery
3- Management of 1st 2nd 3rd stage labour.
4- New Born Care (NBC)
5- New Born Resuscitation.
6- Catheterization, CPR and I/V fulid insertion procedure
7- Infection prevention- Hand washing, Biomedical, Waste Management.
8- Family planning-Methods and insertion of IUD'S.